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Wednesday 19 February 2025

Registering a death

Who must register a death?

The Civil Registration Act 2004 places a duty firstly on a relative of the deceased (whether by blood or by marriage) who has knowledge of the required particulars in relation to the death and who is not incapable of complying with these procedures by reason of ill-health to register the deceased's details within 3 months of the death . The relative does not have to be the next-of-kin (for example, a widow may ask another family member to register the details).

If no such relative or civil partner exists or can be found any other qualified informant has a duty to register the death. Please contact the Registrar for details. Where a qualified informant (other than a relative or civil partner) knows that no relative or civil partner of the deceased exists who is capable of registering the death, he or she must register the death as soon as possible after the Death Notification Form is in their possession. Where, within 3 months of the death, such a qualified informant knows of the whereabouts of a relative capable of registering the death, the form must be given to that relative or civil partner, who must then register the death.

A death that has not been registered within 3 months of the event may be registered by any qualified informant.

Qualified Informants

  • A relative or civil partner of the deceased who has knowledge of the required particulars concerned. (Has a duty to register the death within 3 months)
  • A person present at the death
  • Any other person who has knowledge of the required particulars,
  • If the death occurred in a building used as a dwelling or a part of a building so used, any person who was in the building or part at the time of the death,
  • If the death occurred in a hospital or other institution or in a building or a part of a building occupied by any other organisation or enterprise, the chief officer of the institution, organisation or enterprise (by whatever name called) or a person authorised by the chief officer to perform his or her functions.
  • A person who found the body of the person concerned.
  • A person who took charge of that body.
  • A person who procured the disposal of that body, or
  • Any other person who has knowledge of the death.


The details required for registration

  • Date and place of death*.
  • Place of birth of deceased.
  • Sex of deceased.
  • Forename(s), surname, birth surname and address of deceased.
  • Personal public service number of deceased.
  • Civil Status of deceased.
  • Date of birth or age last birthday of deceased.
  • Profession or occupation of deceased.
  • If deceased was married, the profession or occupation of spouse.
  • If deceased was less than 18 years of age on date of death, occupation(s) of his or her parent(s) of guardian(s).
  • Forename(s) and birth surname of father of deceased.
  • Forename(s) and birth surname of mother of deceased.
  • Certificated cause of death, duration of illness and date of certificate*.
  • Forename, surname, place of business, daytime telephone number and qualification of registered medical practitioner who signed certificate.
  • Forename(s), surname, qualification, address and signature of informant.
  • If an inquest in relation to the death or a post-mortem examination of the body of deceased was held, the forename, surname and place of business of coroner concerned.
  • Date of registration.
  • Signature of Qualified Informant
  • Signature of registrar.

* These details must be supplied as part of the medical cause of death.

Upon the death of a person following an illness, a registered medical practitioner who attended the deceased during the illness must complete and sign Part 1 of the Death Notification Form, stating to the best of his or her knowledge and belief the medical cause of death. Part 1 of the form concerns general details of the deceased and incorporates the medical cause of death details.

Upon completion of Part 1 of the form, the registered medical practitioner must give the form to a relative or other qualified informant. Subject to the circumstances outlined above about who must register a death, the qualified informant should either give the form to a relative who is capable of registering the death or should complete Part 2 of the form. If the death occurs in a hospital the next of kin will receive the Death Notification Form which incorporates the Medical Certificate of the cause of death.

Completed Death Notification Forms must be brought to any Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages. In order to complete the registration process, the Registrar must enter the details in the Register of Deaths, confirm the details entered with the qualified informant and get the qualified informant to sign the Register. Immediately upon completion of the registration process, a death certificate can issue.

If the deceased was not seen by a doctor prior to the terminal illness or if s/he died as a result of an accident or in violent or unexplained circumstances the death must be referred to the Coroner, in which case the death will be registered on foot of a certificate issued by the Coroner to the Registrar containing all the details to be registered.

Please note that a death referred to a coroner is not a matter for the registration service and any issues arising should be referred to the coroner concerned, the local authority concerned or the Department of Justice and Law Reform (72/76 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2.Tel: (01) 602 8202. Fax: (01) 661 5461.Lo-call: 1890 221 227. E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Where must the death be registered?

Deaths may be registered in any Registrar Of Births and Deaths office. As from 5 December 2005, you can now register at the office that is most convenient for you or nearest to your home/work/business address.

The information above has been provided by The General Register Office.

O'Callaghan's Funeral Directors

Kanturk & Ballyclough, Mallow, Co.Cork

Phone: 029-50147

Mobile: 087-2543900

Email: gerardocarrollfd@gmail.com